Take the pain out of GHG Emissions Reporting

Calculate the emissions from Employee Commuting and Homeworking
Accelerate your Net Zero initiative
Simplify SECR and other Carbon Reporting requirements

GHGi Analytics for GHG Emissions Reporting

GHGi Analytics: a Software Platform for GHG Emissions Reporting

A cloud based system that enables you to easily collect, analyse and report your energy and emissions.

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting for GHG Emissions Reporting

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)

Recording and reporting your Energy & CO2e emissions data is now a regulatory requirement.  For all “large” companies and LLPs, it  must be included annual reports submitted to Companies House.

Leased Vehicle Emissions part of GHG Emissions Reporting

GHGi Leased Vehicles

Measure the Vehicle Leasing Emissions from your fleet and also give your customers accurate estimates of their new fleets’ GHG emissions.

GHGi Commuting Emissions

GHGi Commuting

A survey and reporting platform for employee commuting and homeworking emissions. It is cloud based and easy to use on smart phones and mobile devices.

Net Zero

Net Zero Solutions

Despite the timescale involved, businesses must take action now, or suffer the unwelcome, and the potentially costly, attentions of regulators, stakeholders and customers.

Free GHG Advice

Book a time to talk about why organisations should measure their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and what it means for you.  Bring your concerns to our experienced consultants.

GHGi Commuting

emissions survey and reporting platform for commuting & homeworking

Click the button below to book a free advice session and learn how GHGi Commuting can help you

GHGi Expenses – Expenses on the move

GHGi Expenses is cloud based, out-of-pocket expenses system that can be completed anytime and anywhere. It also automatically records carbon emissions from different journey types. It provides business travel data for the organisation’s emissions reporting regime. 

GHGi Expenses also provides individual dashboards. These allow staff to keep track of their expense claims and respond to any items that are declined or queried. Photographs of receipts can be attached to individual claims, removing the need to submit paper. For more details of GHGi Expenses follow this link.

Request more details of GHGi Expenses

GHGi Expenses

CDP Supplier Information Request

GHGi Engine – Integrate your own systems

GHGi Engine can be linked to your existing Travel & Expenses management system.  It provides the means of calculating the greenhouse gas emissions from business travel.

In all cases the granularity of the reporting system lets managers identify where reductions in emissions can be made. Demonstrable savings will enhance your organisation’s sustainability performance and credentials. For more details of GHGi Engine follow this link

Request more details of GHGi Engine

SECR Consulting

All large companies and large Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) as defined under the Companies Act 2006 must comply with the requirements of Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting.  Large companies and LLPs meet two of the three conditions below:
• Annual turnover of £36 million or more
• Balance sheet total assets of £18 million or more
• 250 employees or more

Sustainability Vision can provide whatever level of assistance you need; from complete outsourcing to a full in-house approach, underpinned by our energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting application – GHGi Analytics.

To learn more about our SECR Consulting, click here…

Net Zero Solutions

Net Zero emissions are achieved when the production of man-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is balanced out by the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.  In June 2019 the UK parliament passed legislation committing the government to reducing the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases by 100% relative to 1990 levels by 2050.  By this point the UK would be a “Net Zero” emitter.

Despite the timescale involved, businesses must take action now, or suffer the unwelcome, and potentially costly, attentions of regulators, stakeholders and customers. To learn more about Net Zero and how we can help you, click here…

GHG Insight

Sustainability Vision Ltd. takes the security of your data very seriously.  Please read our Data Privacy Notice for further details.