Vehicle Leasing Emissions

Measure the Vehicle Leasing Emissions from your fleet using GHGi Leased Vehicles
Give customers accurate estimates of their new fleets’ GHG emissions
Provide “what if” scenarios for different fleet alternatives

Leased Vehicle Emissions

For vehicle leasing companies, the emissions from the use of assets they lease (Scope 3) will probably exceed its own direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) emissions.  GHGi Leased Vehicles is designed to accurately calculate the emissions from a company’s vehicle fleet.  The indirect emissions from a company’s value chain, defined as Scope 3, have taken on a new importance as their impact on climate change is recognised.  The inclusion of six Scope 3 categories in the UK Government’s latest procurement requirements strongly signalled this shift.  Emissions from leased vehicles fall under Scope 3 – Category 13: Downstream leased assets in the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.


The three different emissions scopes

Calculating a Vehicles Emissions

Using the vehicle’s VRN (Vehicle Registration Number), GHGi Leased Vehicles calculates the emissions for each specific vehicle using the grams of CO2/km data obtained from the DVLA.  This applies to all vehicles using fossil fuels.   The real-world uplift factor is then applied, and the conversion made from CO2 to CO2e. This is followed by the addition of Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions for the fossil fuel used. It includes Plug-in hybrid vehicles, but not battery electric vehicles.

Plug-in Hybrids and Battery Electric Vehicles

For plug-in hybrids and battery electric vehicles, the Well-to-Tank (WTT) emissions for the electricity used are calculated.  In addition, the emissions from the Transmission & Distribution (T&D) losses and other losses, related to electricity use, are calculated.  Once all the emissions from all the vehicles are combined, a very accurate picture of the fleet’s GHG emissions is produced.

Plug-in and Full Electric cars

Cloud Based


GHGi Leased Vehicles is a cloud-based system allowing all your company’s data to be held in one place and accessible from multiple locations. Being based in the cloud means there is no need to install software or access your internal systems.  As there is no need to access internal systems, cyber-security risks are reduced.

Customer Engagement

GHGi Leased Vehicles has been built with transparency in mind.  This combined with the accuracy of the reports is a major benefit when dealing with both internal and external audit.  These same features provide credibility when dealing with prospective and existing customers, another benefit.

Prospective customers are increasingly asking for the estimated emissions of a proposed fleet.  GHGi Leased Vehicles can provide this quickly and accurately provide you with this information.  More organisations want to know the CO2e emissions from the leased vehicles they have or plan to obtain.  We can help you satisfy this demand.

GHG Insight Leased Vehicle Emissions

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