Leased Vehicle Emissions Checker

Leased Vehicle Emissions Checker

Our leased vehicle emissions checker takes the pain out of calculating the emissions from your portfolio of leased vehicles.

The need to calculate the GHG emissions from your portfolio of vehicles is now essential.  For vehicle leasing companies, the CO2e emissions from their portfolio falls under Scope 3 – Category 13: Downstream leased assets in the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard. These will far exceed the companies’ direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) emissions.

The Calculations

GHGi Leased Vehicles, our leased vehicle emissions checker, calculates the emissions for each specific vehicle in your portfolio. The Carbon emissions data obtained from the DVLA, is the start point for calculating each vehicle’s GHG emissions. All fuel types are catered for within the system.

GHGi Leased Vehicles then amalgamates the results to produce a total figure for the fleet.  The results can be presented in a range for formats including:

    • Total Fleet emissions
    • Emissions by Fuel type
    • Emissions by Lease type

The data can be presented in a range of different time periods.  The overall process is automatic, which has the benefit of minimising the administrative overhead.

Cyber Security

GHGi Leased Vehicles is a cloud-based system allowing all your company’s data to be held in one place and accessible from multiple locations. Being based in the cloud means there is no need to install software or access your internal systems.  As there is no need to access internal systems, cyber-security risks are reduced.


The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) is a set of global standards for the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the lending and investment activities of financial institutions.

The largest banks and financial institutions in the UK have signed up to PCAF and are reporting their emissions in line with the PCAF standard. More specifically the standard requires the reporting of emissions associated with the use of vehicles financed by those institutions. i.e the annual emissions in use for those financed vehicles.
(PCAF standard part A, section 5.6, Motor Vehicle Finance)

To discover how to solve your problem with reporting the carbon emissions from your leasing portfolio, call us today on 01509 649 504 or book a time for us to call you using the adjacent calendar. Alternatively, email us on

GHG Insight

Sustainability Vision Ltd. takes the security of your data very seriously.  Please read our Data Privacy Notice for further details.