Take the Pain out of CO2 Emissions Reporting

GHG Insight


Simplifying “Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting”

Mobile friendly system for accurate emissions data collection & reporting

Meets the main requirements of MGHG, SECR, ESOS & CDP

GHG Insight is a solution set enabling organisations to meet the requirements of several emissions reporting initiatives. These includes the UK government’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting requirements, for both quoted and unquoted companies, ESOS and the CDP.

GHGi Analytics – Emissions recording and analysis

Centrally Stored Data

All your organisation’s emissions data in one place

Cloud Based Application

Easy access for multiple locations with no need to access internal systems enhancing cyber-security


Up to date emissions factors

GHG conversion factors always maintained to current version

Automated Data entry

Data collection can be linked to Energy Management Systems or entered manually from bills

Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting

Automatically produces the reports required by the UK Government

Drill down on Graphs and Tables

Provides easy analysis, from overview to increasingly granular detail

Validate your year-on-year comparisons

Use different years’ emissions factors to see what your actions have really achieved

Spot opportunities to save costs

Identify opportunities to reduce emissions and save money

GHGi Analytics fulfils the requirements of the UK government’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting regulations. Being cloud based has two benefits. First, the data from different sites is centralised, making analysis and reporting easier. Secondly, mobile users do not need to access your organisation’s internal network, which reduces your cyber-security risk. Learn more about GHGi Analytics….