GHGi Analytics –
SECR Carbon Reporting Software

GHGi Analytics SECR Carbon Reporting Software, is a cloud based, highly accurate software solution enabling you to easily collect, analyse, and simplify your Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR).

GHGi Analytics

  +44 (0)1509 649 504

Benefits of GHGi Analytics – SECR Carbon Reporting Software

Emissions Sources

GHGi Analytics can currently accept data from meters or bills depending on the energy source. For other emissions sources, the system can also accept less structured inputs, like maintenance reports and fuel usage. Your organisation can enter data in a form that suits you.  GHGi Analytics uses your data, not industry averages to calculate your emissions, essential for SECR carbon reporting software.

SECR Carbon Reporting software

GHG Analytics SECR carbon reporting software

Emissions Factors

GHGi Analytics holds the government emissions factors for reporting of CO2e emissions. We keep these up to date, so you don’t have to do so. As the factors vary over time, emissions factors from prior years are also maintained. This allows you to easily make year-on-year comparisons using different years’ greenhouse gas emissions factors. This means that your efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are not obscured by changes in emissions factors.

Disclosure Frameworks

The system can also be opened up to your supply chain allowing them to report their emissions to you directly. This would certainly simplify CDP reporting.

GHGi Analytics will always be up-to-date with any changes that the UK government makes, both to the Emissions Conversion Factors and its Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) requirements. You can therefore be confident that you comply with your statuary obligations and have accurate emissions data. GHGi Analytics also records and reports on the information needed for ESOS and the CDP for those organisations to which they are applicable.  Read the UK Government’s standard.

SECR Guidance Document

Cloud Based SECR Carbon reporting software

Cloud based – safe with easy access

GHGi Analytics is cloud based, therefore it is easier for geographically dispersed organisations to record their emissions centrally.  Being hosted in the cloud means that there is no need to access your organisation’s internal network.  This provides you with a major cyber-security benefit.  It is designed to take the pain out of complying with the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) requirements and measuring emissions as part of a Net Zero initiative.

What GHGi Analytics Measures

GHGi Analytics methodology is based on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions as defined in the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard. It covers the mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting required by the UK Government.

Scope 1 are emissions that come from sources owned or controlled by an organisation. This includes, heating, transport, air-conditioning and emissions from manufacturing processes.
What are Scope 1 emissions?

Scope 2 are indirect GHG emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity, steam, heating or cooling
What are Scope 2 emissions?

Scope 1

Scope 3 emissions

Simplify your CO2e emissions reporting.

This cloud based service is designed to minimise your administrative overheads and save you money.  For more information call us on +44 (0)1509 649 504 or email us on

Alternatively, book a time for us to call you by clicking the Get Started button.

GHG Insight

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