GHGi Analytics – the Net Zero platform for simplifying emissions reduction

The GHGi Analytics net zero platform provides the information needed for an effective net zero programme.

Net Zero Platform


What is the GHGi Analytics Net Zero platform?

Cloud Based

To achieve Net Zero emissions, you need to measure before you can manage.  GHGi Analytics is a cloud-based platform informing your emissions reduction programme, by simplifying the collection, calculation and analysis of you carbon emissions.  Being cloud-based is a major cyber-security benefit.  Users have no need to access your organisation’s internal network to input data or access the resulting reports.

Information required

Reduced administration

GHGi Analytics’ net zero platform reduces your administrative burden by holding the government emissions factors for reporting of CO2e emissions.  These are kept up-to-date, so you don’t have to. As the factors vary over time, emissions factors from prior years are also maintained.  This allows you to make year-on-year comparisons using different year’s greenhouse gas emissions factors.  The impact of your efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are therefore not obscured by changes in emissions factors.

GHGi Analytics

Cloud Based

What information is needed

GHGi Analytics can currently accept data from bills, gas, electricity, transport fuels etc.  In the case of gas and electricity, it can also accept meter readings.  For fugitive emissions, losses from air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment are found in service reports.  These show the quantity of refrigerant gas used to top-up the systems.

Reduced Administration

What GHGi Analytics Measures

GHGi Analytics is designed to record and measure all Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, as required by the Greenhouse Gas Corporate Standard and the full range of mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting required by the UK Government (SECR).

Scope 1 are emissions that come from sources owned or controlled by an organisation. This includes, heating, transport, air-conditioning and emissions from manufacturing processes.
What are Scope 1 emissions?

Scope 2 are indirect GHG emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity, steam, heating or cooling
What are Scope 2 emissions?

Simplify your CO2e emissions reporting.

This cloud based service is designed to minimise your administrative overheads and save you money.  For more information call us on +44 (0)1509 649 504 or email us on

Alternatively, book a time for us to call you by clicking the Get Started button.

GHG Insight

Sustainability Vision Ltd. takes the security of your data very seriously.  Please read our Data Privacy Notice for further details.