GHGi Commuting Video Tutorials

GHGi Commuting Video Tutorials

New to GHGi Commuting?  If you are starting from scratch and need help in setting up the system, answering the survey questions or working out how far is your commute to work, these video tutorials will take you through the basic steps.

On this page are video tutorials covering all aspects of setting up and adding data to GHGi Commuting. These tutorials run for between seven to ten minutes.

How to complete a GHGi Analytics survey form

Single stage Journey

This video explains to users how they should complete the survey form for GHGi Commuting our online application. It also describes some of the issues involved.

How to complete a GHGi Analytics survey form

Multi-stage Journey

This video explains how to enter a multi-stage journey in the survey form for GHGi Commuting. This is a where the individual uses several different modes of transport to get to work. It also describes some of the issues involved.

How to measure your daily commuting distance

This video describes how to measure the distance to work as part of the process of estimating the emissions from employee commuting as required by the GHG Corporate protocol.

How to set up reporting Periods

This video explains how to create reporting periods.  These are used to define the various reports within GHGi Commuting

How to upload a staff list to GHGi Commuting

This video describes the process of uploading as list of employees to GHGi commuting.  It goes through the actions with tips and advice to make a simple process even easier.

How to run reports in GHGi Commuting

This video explains how to run reports various reports in within GHGi Commuting.

GHG Insight

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