Getting to Net Zero

Getting to Net Zero is something that every organisation will need to embrace.

Planning needs to start now.

Net Zero

The UK government has committed to reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases by 100% relative to 1990 levels by 2050.  It has made it clear that industry must be largely de-carbonised by then.


Do I really need to do something about getting to Net Zero now?

Just because 2050 is a long time away, does not mean that getting to Net Zero can be ignored in the short to medium term.  Customers and other stakeholders will want to know what organisations are doing to reduce their carbon emissions now.

Investors will be concerned about how it features in a company’s future plans. It is highly likely that they will apply the Task Force on Climate related Disclosures recommendations when considering investments or lending.  These recommendations include the publication of carbon emissions and targets for emissions reductions.

What needs to be done?

Our consultants can help you develop a Net Zero strategy that is specific to your business.  This is the starting point for an emissions reduction process that will increase in importance.  We anticipate that industry will be incentivised to reduce their emissions through a range of initiatives. These will include:

  • Taxes on emissions
  • Grants for investment in emissions reduction
  • Increased electrification,
  • Hydrogen based energy sources and
  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS),

We anticipate that they will be designed in ways that do not adversely affect industry’s competitiveness.  We can help you to be able to take advantage of different initiatives as they arise.

If you have not already done so, your organisation will need to implement a method of recording, analysing and reporting its emissions.  GHGi Analytics, our cloud-based application, has been designed to fulfil these requirements.

We can help you with emissions reporting as well as developing and implementing your strategy.

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